These files are dumps of IHR SQL database. Each line is a row in the database and represents a prefix originated by a AS (originasn_id) in BGP and one of the commonly found AS on the AS paths (asn_id). The hege value (AS Hegemony score) reflects the proportion of paths that contain asn_id. If we found multiple transit ASes (asn_id) for a same route (prefix, originasn_id) then there is multiple rows for that route. The unique key is (timebin, prefix, originasn_id, asn_id). If you are not interested in AS Hegemony scores, you should look only at rows where originasn_id == asn_id. Description of each field: - id: a unique identifier used by our database (you can ignore this) - timebin: time of measurement - prefix: network prefix - hege: hegemony score for the 3-tuple (prefix, originasn_id, asn_id). Meaning that 'prefix' originated by 'originasn_id' is commonly reached via the transit network 'asn_id'. If not interested in AS Hegemony scores, you can look only at rows where originasn_id == asn_id. - af: address family, this is either 4 or 6 (for IPv4 and IPv6) - visibility: percentage of RouteViews and RIS peers that see the prefix - rpki_status: the route (originasn_id/prefix) status in RPKI - irr_status: the route (originasn_id/prefix) status in IRR - delegated_prefix_status: prefix status in delegated files - delegated_asn_status: originasn_id status in delegated files - descr: description of the prefix found in IRR - moas: true if the prefix is announced by multiple origin ASNs - asn_id: ASN of the common transit networks to prefix. - country_id: country code of the prefix (Maxmind) - originasn_id: ASN originating the prefix in BGP